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Tommy, August 31 2022

Spread Your Wings

My father and I meet for breakfast regularly at our favorite diner on the planet. We always go at the same time, sit at the same table, and order the same thing; coffee and the hash special with eggs, well-done homefries and wheat toast. We've had it a hundred times.

This morning, as I sat and looked around the diner I took a minute (maybe for the first time ever) to read some of the other menu items which are written on the walls in dry-erase marker. "Why would anybody eat any of this other stuff?" I joked to my dad. 

And then - as I often do - I thought about wings. 

When I go to Laurel Diner in Southbury, I don't need a menu. My very favorite breakfast in the whole world is on auto-order. Why would I try something else when I know what I like? Too risky. LOL

This week in our visit to Bonchon in New Haven, CT the Wingaddicts ate our 449th and 450th different chicken wing flavors. I'd be surprised if there were too many living humans who have eaten more different flavors of wings at more different restaurants. Most people can't even name 450 wing flavors!

So here's my theory, which I'm going to name "The Hash Effect"

The majority of the wing-lovers out there in Wingaddicts land, began their addictions with the gateway drug; the traditional Buffalo wing. We did too. I mean, that's where the phenomenon began, right? I'd also guess that most people don't go out for wings and order six different flavors (especially at 2022 prices). 

You're at your favorite wing spot and you're fired up. You know you love the buffalo wings, so you order them on auto pilot! You don't need a menu and you don't need to make any choices. Why try new things? The heart wants what the heart wants. You leave happy, as planned.

Sadly, though, in this case you're missing the boat big time. The wing game is evolving and we'd love to challenge you to pick up your game. It's ok to order your buffalo wings. But try another flavor too. If money's an issue, go with somebody else and split the check. There's a great big beautiful world out there if you have the courage to lose sight of the shore and explore new territory.

Imagine a world with only vanilla ice cream. Pretty boring.

The hash special? Well . . . that's another story.

Wings up!

Tommy Wyatt is co-founder of Wingaddicts and writes this weekly blog “Under the Wingfluence” for

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Want to contact the Wingaddicts personally? Tommy, Doni the Cleaner and Wingchef Ryan communicate regularly through the "Wingaddicts Community" on Facebook. 

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