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Tommy, May 23 2022


Have you ever been on vacation, traveling on business, or just out driving around when suddenly your chicken wing addiction strikes? Where to go? What to do? Anxiety immediately sets in. Your palms begin to sweat and you end up ordering room service or at a KFC drive through. Epic failure.

Well, your problems are solved. Introducing the world's first all-inclusive chicken wing concierge. The Wingaddicts Starter Wings app is finally here! 

Huh? What does it do? 

First off, based on your location, the app immediately reports "Wings Nearby" right on your home screen complete with restaurant snapshot, address and directions. If a previous user has added any wing pictures to the gallery or has recorded any "wing notes," you'll see that when you tap on the restaurant icon and enter its page. (Hours and Specials will be blank until entered by the restaurant owners). From here, you will be able to submit your own photos and reviews by simply tapping the orange tab called "Share Wings." You can also select "Share Wings" straight from the home screen if you want to skip a step.

Next, if you don't see your favorite wing joint listed, you can just go to the search icon in the top righthand corner, type it in, click that link and the restaurant page will open and give you the option to select "This Place Has Wings." It will automatically be added to the database and you can review!

Along the bottom of the home screen, you'll notice five icons. The first one, "Wings" always brings you back to the home screen. The second one is called "Feed." In the feed, you'll see the most-recent wing and sauce reviews from other app users, the most-recent Wingaddicts videos, AND you'll see a continuous new feed of wing recipes from all over the web! You'll have the option to "Save Recipe" with a simple tap and it will be added to your personal profile to access anytime.

The Globe icon in the center of the strip is called "Explorer." When you tap on Explorer you'll access a map with your current location and red markers for the wing spots in a ten-mile radius to your location. Oh, but you're traveling to a different destination? That's OK! Tap the little "search" magnifying glass in the upper righthand corner and type in ANYPLACE ON EARTH and then tap "Explore!" You'll instantly access that area's map with the same red wing markers! (Again, your place isn't listed? Add it yourself!)

The fourth icon on your new wing app is called "Library." In the Library you'll access an entire catalog of wing recipes (which you can save to your favorites) as well as an enormous catalog of sauces and dry rubs. You can infinitely add your favorite sauces to the collection and even comment on any sauce or rub on the shelf! You make your own? Go ahead and add it in! 

Also in the Library you'll access the entire catalog of Wingaddicts restaurant episodes as well as Saucy Saturday reviews. 

Finally we have your own personal "Profile" link. You may personalize this with your photo if you wish and may access the orange banner that says "Provide Us Feedback." Your profile will also list all your personal restaurant and sauce reviews as well as a list of your "saved recipes." 

Geeze, have we forgotten anything? 

Of course if you see a place with no reviews and you'd like some more info .  .  . just jump on "Wingaddicts Community" on Facebook and ask the crowd! We'll always work in conjunction with the group as we move forward.

We've been debating this app launch since January, constantly working to make it better and add more content. We've been able to make hundreds of tiny adjustments and have added over 10,000 restaurants around the world. We finally realized that we'll never be "ready." So we'll improve and update it on the fly! One of our biggest goals was to make this a crowd-sourced fun app and include all the Wingaddicts around the globe in growing it up. We appreciate all help (and of course feedback) as we continue our mission to change the way people think about our beloved chicken wings!

And finally, we appreciate all honest opinions when it comes to wings, sauces and restaurants. But let's continue what we've always been able to do in Wingaddicts Community and keep it classy! Wings up!

                                               Click on this photo to download the FREE Wingaddicts App! 

Tommy Wyatt is co-founder of Wingaddicts and writes this weekly blog “Under the Wingfluence” for Join Facebook’s largest group of wing enthusiasts (Wingaddicts Community) and be sure to subscribe to the Wingaddicts channel on YouTube to see over 200 episodes! 

Want to contact the Wingaddicts personally? Tommy, Doni the Cleaner and Wingchef Ryan communicate regularly through the "Wingaddicts Community" on Facebook. 

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