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Tommy, May 16 2022

Good, Better, Best

“Wingstop sucks!”  (Yet, somehow, it's a $2.4 Billion company.)

“Dew Drop has the best wings in the state, hands down!” (But what if I want a smoked bbq wing?)

“J. Timothy's kills Dew Drop all day!” (What if I want extra spicy?)

"Archie Moore's is the ONLY place to go for wings. Nobody else compares.” (But what if I like jerk wings or PB&J?)

“Sliders blows them all away”  (But I like my wings breaded.)

While we think its awesome to see such spirited assertions in "Wingaddicts Community" on Facebook every day we’ve got some straight news for you; You’re ALL wrong!

Oh, and by the way, you’re all correct as well.

I know it isn’t any fun to admit it, but there can’t possibly be a BEST wings category. It’s purely subjective. A perfectly correct statement would instead be, “My favorite wing spot is ________." Nobody can argue with that one! 

Having eaten thousands of wings in hundreds of flavors at over 200 different restaurants in the past two years (and probably at your favorite place), I can NOT honestly tell you who has THE BEST WINGS in Connecticut. I can give you a list of my top 30 favorite spots, and chances are you’ll disagree. 

There are also places that weren’t that special that I’d never go back to. But that doesn’t mean they’re no good. It means they didn’t meet my standards on a given day. I don’t normally like dry rubs. I don’t like takeout spots. I don’t care much for chain restaurant wings because I don’t believe the employees care as much. And I don’t normally like larger or breaded wings. But all that said, sometimes I do like all those things! 

And right when I think I can’t possibly find another 5-star, 10-out-of-10 wing restaurant, I do.

For what its worth, if there’s a place that’s super popular and I don’t care for the wings; I’ll go back a second time. Maybe the restaurant had a bad day. Or (hmm) just maybe it was me!

Either way, Wingaddicts, keep it classy but please keep on arguing for your favorite wing joint! But do yourself a huge favor and spread your wings a little! Try out some of the others! There’s a great big beautiful wing world out there! 

At the end of the day, I make it a practice to stay out of arguments that I can't win. I can easily tell you why your favorite wing place isn't actually the best. But I can never tell you that it isn't to YOU.

The BEST wing spot is the one that's YOUR favorite! Argue "favorite." Not "best."

Tommy Wyatt is co-founder of Wingaddicts and writes this weekly blog “Under the Wingfluence” for Join Facebook’s largest group of wing enthusiasts (Wingaddicts Community) and be sure to subscribe to the Wingaddicts channel on YouTube to see over 200 episodes! 

Want to contact the Wingaddicts personally? Tommy, Doni the Cleaner and Wingchef Ryan communicate regularly through the "Wingaddicts Community" on Facebook.

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